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What Others Are Saying:
"Driven by her faith and a fierce commitment to her community, Mary Jo Copeland has spent more than a quarter-century
lifting up the underserved. Her unyielding vision for stronger neighborhoods has inspired people nationwide, and her
compassion for the poor and marginalized speaks to the depth of the human spirit. The United States honors
Mary Jo Copeland for sparking hope in those who need it most."
-- President Barack Obama
lifting up the underserved. Her unyielding vision for stronger neighborhoods has inspired people nationwide, and her
compassion for the poor and marginalized speaks to the depth of the human spirit. The United States honors
Mary Jo Copeland for sparking hope in those who need it most."
-- President Barack Obama
"Copeland works her ministry with an energy that is exhausting to watch."
-- New York Times Magazine "Hinck's biography is uplifting and eminently readable... it is made to order for a wonderful movie." --St. Anthony Messenger "Mary Jo Copeland doesn't give her clients just a pat on the back or even a gentle caress on the cheek. She gets down on her knees and washes their feet." -- People Magazine "Having known suffering and sorrow, Minneapolis's Mary Jo Copeland ministers selflessly to anyone in need or hurting." -- Reader's Digest |
"Great Love provides a cheerful, inspiring read... it serves as a reminder that nothing is impossible with God."
-- National Catholic Register "Mary Jo Copeland has devoted her life to caring for the homeless in Minnesota and has been a strong voice for those who too often are not heard... Mary Jo is a shining example of the strong tradition of service in our state, and I was proud to be at the President's ceremony today, recognizing her tireless work." -- Senator Amy Klobuchar "I think of Mary Jo Copeland, whose ministry called Sharing and Caring Hands serves 1,000 meals a day in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Government cannot do this work. It can feed the body, but it cannot reach the soul. Yet government can take the side of these groups, helping the helper, encouraging the inspired." -- President George W. Bush |
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